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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and also the most stressful. Despite all our best intentions it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I truly believe that if you make an annual ritual out of planning Christmas then you can take much of the fluster out. Over the years I have learned that it doesn’t need to be stressful – I learned to make Christmas merry for me and my 7 strong family.
Here are 5 ways to keep calm so you too can enjoy the season without (too much) stress

The practice of mindfulness can help you to control how you perceive what is going on around you. One of the simplest techniques is to stop and focus on your breath whenever you find yourself feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Just some nice deep inhalations and exhalations – it is surprising how this helps to slow things down. Take some time to observe thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Once you become aware of your emotions think about what you can do to support yourself e.g. talk to a friend, quiet time, listening to your favourite songs.

In a household full of kids inner calm is a hard-won luxury by creating a peaceful oasis. We like to call it the ‘sanctuary’. It is a cosy, welcoming, comfortable safe space to help you relax. We all know that when someone retreats to the sanctuary (ours is in the attic) that they need to be left alone as they clear their mind. Warm fairy lights strung up on the wall bring some lovely calmness.

Bottling up stress is a recipe for disaster. It has negative health impacts such as muscle tension and a weakened immune system. What method of stress release works best for you? Mine is singing (loudly and badly) while dancing (crazily) to my favourite songs (Celine Dion is particularly cathartic on loudspeakers). Try going for a run, yoga, or walking in a park. And sleep – don’t forget the importance of sleep. A lack of sleep will make anyone irritable and stress-prone.
A good skincare routine can make you feel more relaxed, refreshed, and energised. Get some facial oil and feed your skin by spending a few minutes gently massaging it every night. I discovered the joys of face massage and I love my skincare routine now. When poop hits the fan I feel unflappable when my skin feels good.

Christmas is your holiday too! It is easy to get carried away trying to make everything perfect for everyone but if you begin to feel overwhelmed, take deep breaths and focus on what’s truly important. Soak up the spirit, eat delicious food and drinks and make memories. Appreciate the simple things and just be grateful. Being grateful for where you are right now and knowing that this is exactly where you need to be, can take the stress out of any situation.

Happy holidays!
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