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This jacket has been waiting a long time to be made. I bought and cut this fabric over a year ago, changed my mind about the style and left it in my UFO box, forgotten. Until I was browsing all my March issues while planning my #burdachallenge2018 makes for this month.Reaching for my UFO box is never a nice experience. I like to pretend it doesn’t exist. You understand don’t you, gentle reader, that being confronted by your own personality defects must be avoided? Especially if said defects might justify a fabric fast?
But I reached for it, if only to refresh my memory of the project.
On a tangent, diving into the UFO was just as unpleasant as I thought it would be – too many carrier bags of projects in there. They were very angry. They hadn’t seen the light of day for a long time. I did not like facing them. I decided that I was going to have a sort through later on and chuck most of them (after all if I havent sewn them by now then I dont need to).
Back to the story at hand – once I saw the fabric I decided to have a go at sewing the jacket – It looked like an easy enough pattern. The jacket is unlined. Here is the line drawing:Â

BurdaStyle 03/2016 116
I cant recall much about the fabric except that I bought it from B&M Fabrics. It has some lycra in it I think based on the cross grain stretch.
The fabric was quite nice to work with – it has that beautiful quality of letting stitches sink in and become invisible so you can unpick and mess up royally with little visible impact :-).
The jacket came together quickly. I made my usual size 38 without any alterations. The only change was to leave my sleeve band unfolded. In the instructions, the sleeve band is folded in half and sewn on to sleeve giving it a three-quarter length. My sleeve band had been cut on the selvedge so I thought it would be nice to incorporate the selvedges thereby also making the sleeve longer.
Verdict: Quite simply – I LOVE IT! Love it! Nuff said.

BurdaStyle 03/2016 #116
So coming back to my UFO box – I get why they are angry with me. All they want is to show me how beautiful and useful they can be. They just want to be given a chance.
Because somewhere, at some point a tiny spark of an idea had emerged and I started pulling it together.
The idea was excited about coming to fruition but then I dropped it like a hot potato.
Of Course, they are angry. And I am shamed.
Shamed into action.
I nearly threw out this project because of unpleasant feelings of shame. Well if there is one thing this beautiful spring jacket has taught me – its that it is never too late!
So do not worry my lovely UFOs – you will not be left behind. I am coming to get all of you and give you your chance!Â
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internets. Until next time, Happy Sewing!
Peace and love,