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Hello again,

I made some more dresses for my little people. In particulr my twins.

I bought the cotton jersey from B&M Fabrics in Leeds. For the pattern I used an Ottobre Spring 2014 pattern called Funny Faces.


Ottobre Design Kids 01/2014

They came together very quickly. I like how the hem is faced – it adds a lovely weight to the dress. I found the neckline a bit too high and had to trim 1cm off the neckline.

They are zany and the girls love them. Unfnortunately I didnt have enough fabric for 4 dresses but I managed to squeeze in 3 dresses.

Sewing the scraps together yielded a T shirt. The T shirt is the same pattern as the dreses just without the skirt attached. I used black ribbing cuff material that I got from B&M Fabrics.


Ottobre Design 01/2014


I get why they both like this one best


Middle boy agrred to model the 3rd dress 🙂


The hem detail


My fave hem finish here. So lovely.


T shirt from scraps sewn together


Zigzag stitch around neckline


It was hard getting them to pose but this was the best posed shot 🙂


And then they just didnt bother..TuTiTu is more fun.

The only other problem was that both girls really wanted the hot air balloons dress and there was a fair amount of crying. Which has made realise that I cant make their clothes too different otherwise its chaos (now you know why parents of twins dress them alike:-) Incidentally when I found out I was having twins I was very much like “ Yeah I am not going to be dressing them alike – I want them to be individual” Lols -doesnt quite work like that!). As it is there is a fragile truce based on taking turns to wear the hot air balloon dress.

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

Peace and love,


PS Here is my Youtube video from when I completed them