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I recently had the privilege of participating in a round up post of self care practises that aren’t beauty related. I loved the idea of this because sometimes it feels like self care has been co opted by this idea that you have to buy face masks or some such thing.
I specifically talked about how maintaining important, supportive friendships is an important aspect of my self care routines.

Great relationships need work and effort especially during the child rearing years, if like me – you have young kids. I found that the time didn’t magically happen but that I had to make the time and space for communication that wasn’t digital.
Yes social media can mean that we know what is happening with our friends and family but there is no substitute for actually talking over the phone or face to face. And that’s what I make time for using Google calendar reminders. I am lucky that my friends also saw the benefits and do this as well.
For more great ideas on self care tips that don’t involve facemasks or baths read the original post here:
I hope you also get some new ideas for self care and please share some of your self care tips that aren’t necessarily beauty related in the comments below.
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