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Hi everyone!

How are you? Is summer with you yet? I hope so- in Northern EnglandĀ its been half and half and I am trying to make the most of it. My two eldest are really enjoying not having much structure to their day: no music lessons, homework, scouts etc. I have to admit I am letting them watch a lot more TV ā€¦.which gives me a bit more time to sew :-).

I gotĀ into a mad panic this weekend havingĀ realised that there are only 4 weeks left till Autumn!!!! Where did the time go?? I havenā€™t finished half of myĀ summer sewing plans.Ā Do you feel like you are ready to think about Autumn sewing? I am not! Like an ostrich I will stick my head in the sand for a while longer yet šŸ™‚

I am not ready for Autumn Fall sewing pattern releases. Stop it. Just stop it. Its still summer!

I am not ready for Autumn Fall sewing pattern releases. Stop it. Just stop it. Its still summer!

And so onto something I just couldnā€™t wait to share with you guys! Remember my post about how I sometimes get random ideas that are not on the sewing queue (wrote about it in this post here)? Well pencil skirts is one of those. In my head I want to have about 5 pencil skirts in patterned fabrics. I got my sloper out and used Suzy Furerā€™s Craftsy class to draft the pencil skirt with a facing.pencil skirt 3

Drafting was easy and took less that 15 mins since it only involved pegging the skirt by an inch or so and drafting the kick pleat. Next Up I decided to buy a ponte fabric I had seen at Leeds Market for the skirt. I quite liked the spots.pencil skirt 2

Taking up only one meter I cut the skirt on the cross grain as suggested by Suzy Furrer (she is a pattern drafting goddess and everything she has advised to do has upped my sewing game and I love her classes for that! ) It sits perfectly lovely and I love it.pencil skirt 4

I did make a bohoo and tried to use a facing on a stretch fabric ā€“ it did not work! After serging on the (interfaced) facing it was clear that the waist needed to be elastic. I had doh! moment. Needless to say the elastic went in smoothly. I was going to turn the elastic under ā€“ something I learnt when I made my V1440 leggings. However I rather liked the little waistband šŸ˜‰Pencil skirt Frontpencil skirt 6 Self Drafted pencil skirt Back

I Used a simple zig zag for the hem. All other seams were on my overlocker.pencil skirt inside pencil skirt 5Pencil SKirt 1 - Copy

Overall I am very happy with this skirt. I finished it Friday night and I spent all of Saturday wearing it. The feeling of comfort in this skirt is amazing! It uses less than 1 meter of fabric. Its very quick to make up. Score! Liking this skirt and there will be more in bright and bold colours!

Thanks for stopping by and happy sewing everyone!



PS My kids wont even let me anywhere near the computer during the day so most of my posts will be late night ones in the foreseeable future. Right am off to sleep nowā€¦.