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Hello chums,I interrupt your regular broadcasting to share with you whats been inspiring my love of big floral fabrics of late. I cant help it surrounded by all these flowers. We have been doing a lot of work at the allotment and the garden when the weather permitted.

Pumpkins were good this year but courgettes (last 2 post) were a no show 🙁

Cabbage. Thyme. Purple sprouting broccoli. Cauliflower. Beetroot. Tomatoes.
We pulled a lot of garlic out this weekend. and harvested our broad beans – they tasted lush just boiled and tossed in butter.

Red Donesk Garlic – All this from just 3 bulbs saved from last years harvest.
Meanwhile at the allotment we have nearly finished building all the raised beds.

Garlic Lautrec Wight

The rhubarb is not doing well. I grew this from seed ‘Glaskins Perpetual’ before I read that its not a good idea with rhubarb. Its better to buy crowns as they are true to type. I need to replace this with a variety called Valentine that is supposed to great tasting.

Sweetcorn – we have high hopes for it this year. Last year it was all gobbled up by slugs 🙁
I am grateful to be surrounded by the sheer beauty of nature – it can remind us just how lucky we are to be alive. On that note -I hope your day was good too.
Thanks for stopping by. I will be back very soon with a completed project post tomorrow. Until then, happy sewing everyone.
Peace and love,