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Yikes! I can’t believe I am actually doing this! After my 2020 Sewing Goal #1 post declaring publicly my goal to sew with vintage Burda magazines – I had the incredible task of deciding where to start.

Many questions abound. Do I start with the oldest chronologically and work through the decades? Or do I start with the 1999 ones and work backward? The patterns sheets on the nineties issues are similar in format to what I am already used to.

But then if I start off with the easy ones, will my activation energy still be present by the time I get to the oldest ones? The pattern sheets on the sixties, seventies, and eighties magazines are scary!
I can almost hear you thinking – “Start with the familiar ones!”. And that would make sense but here’s the problem – I tend to have the most energy to put into something when I embark on it i.e. my activation energy.
Whenever I am stuck in loop of thinking – I call in the Hila expert – my husband. We discussed the dilemma and he clearly pointed out that my best chance of success was to start with the hardest thing as I tend to be the most obstinate at the initiation of a project (his words not mine). I deferred to him.
Hence, here we are with the oldest Burda sewing magazine in my collection – July 1969! Proudly won on an eBay auction! Scroll on for more pictures.
Burda July 1969 Browsethrough Video
1969 Vintage Burda Pictures
A few observations worthy of note –
- Burda used to be a much bigger magazine! Just look at one of the pictures where my Burdastyle 2/2020 is sitting on top of the 1969 one.
- Burda used to be a full-on womens interest magazine along with home decorating, hair care articles and recipe cards.
- Burda used to have A LOT of patterns in each issue. I am staggered by the number of sewing patterns. Seriously impressive.
- They didn’t do ‘line drawings’ as I know them to be. They were more like fashion sketches but still provided the required detail to make an informed decision.
- The styles in there look incredibly well sewn and elegant.

2020 Sewing Goal #1

Hashtags are a necessary form of digital communities – its a way for us to find each other. If anyone wants to join along then please feel free to use this tag as a meeting point.
I’d love to do round-up posts and would love guest posts around sewing with vintage Burda – get in touch if that is something you might be interested in doing.
If you do share something that you make from vintage Burda, i.e. pre-2000 I’d love to be inspired by your make. Drop a link to your post so I can include it in a round-up post.

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